Completing Cantón Architecture Brigade


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Aug 23, 2014 12:00 AM

Working together, student volunteers and community members have laid 4,500 cement blocks, installed 373 square meters of aluzinc roofing, and excavated a seemingly endless amount of dirt in order to build a health center in El Cantón, Honduras. Thanks to their hard work, the building is almost done. Project completion is projected for August 2014.

After the health center is finished, it will provide medical care to approximately 700 people living in 14 rural communities. They currently walk upwards of two hours in order to see a doctor in Teupasentí. The long trek is often futile however. The health center is generally overcrowded and lacks sufficient medication for all patients. Many community members consequently suffer from treatable diseases. Not only are they uncomfortable while sick, but they also lose valuable time that could be spent at school or work.

As community members will have consistent access to medical following the opening of the health center in El Cantón, both their health and their quality-of-life should improve dramatically. Yet, this cannot happen until community members and student volunteers put the finishing touches on the health center. Support their efforts to bring healthcare to El Cantón and surrounding communities. Make a donation for the purchase of building materials today!

4% Complete (success)

of $7,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 35

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Joy Lee donated $100 3822 days ago

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