#GivingTuesday: Give the Gift of Movement


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Dec 31, 2016 12:00 AM

In response to the consumerism of Black Friday, #GivingTuesday is a day to support causes you believe in. We hope that you'll believe in Movement Exchange, and the impact our free dance education programming has had on the lives of thousands of youth here in the U.S. and internationally. Thank you for your generosity in helping us raise $15,000 of our larger yearly fundraising goal this #GivingTuesday!

At Movement Exchange, we believe every child should have access to dance education—and what better gift than to give the gift of movement!

- Donating $30 provides two hours of dance class at an orphanage in Panama.
- Donating $50 funds a teacher training session on peace-building curriculum for our year-round dance instructors.
- Donating $100 pays for an outing for youth in our programming to attend a professional dance performance.
- Donating $500 funds a summer dance intensive for hundreds of youth.
- Donating $2,000 covers the theater costs for our annual show starring over 100 youth from our programs.

Movement Exchange operates five locally staffed, year-round dance education programs in Panama to over 350 youth per week. Students in our year-round dance programs come from marginalized populations—most of the students live in orphanages and underserved communities and many are recovering from emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. Move-Ex's chapter network throughout the U.S. also teaches free dance classes to hundreds of students at refugee centers, domestic violence shelters and other foundations.

Ruth, a 10-year old at the Malambo Orphanage in Arraijan, explained her new found joy in dance this way: “I love to dance because when I dance, I forget about my problems.”

Like Ruth, all of our students are introduced to dance for the first time with Move-Ex. Dance improves self-esteem, nurtures creative expression, and fosters empathy and critical thinking skills in the students who participate.

Our free weekly dance programming, performances and experiences for our students is only possible with your help this #GivingTuesday!

Think about what you spent on that fancy dinner or new pair of shoes—you could provide a year of free dance classes to children in Panama!

Move to Change!
About Movement Exchange:

Founded in 2010, Movement Exchange unites dance and service through its network of university chapters, international dance exchanges, and year-round programs in underserved communities.

Our growing network of U.S. university chapters offers free dance education to their local communities. Dance diplomats, including university chapter members, also participate on week-long international dance exchanges during which they can learn from local dance artists and teach dance classes for at-risk youth. To support sustainable dance education in the countries we serve, Movement Exchange operates year-round, locally staffed dance education programs in underserved communities.

To learn more, visit movementexchanges.org and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/movementexchange

100% Complete (success)

of $15,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Allison Calvillo donated $30 2993 days ago
Anonymous donated $100 3015 days ago
Madyson Reece donated $50 3017 days ago
Raja Haddad donated $50 3020 days ago
Activity details were updated 3021 days ago