Dacia Williams

Corvallis, Oregon

Passionate About:

The medical world, anything outdoorsy, new experiences, gaining knowledge, passing on my knowledge, and trying to be the best version of myself possible!







End Date: Sep 27, 2015 12:00 AM
Fundraising Campaign Message

Due to the continued uncertainty of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and consequent lack of volunteers' capacity to participate, we regretfully announce that Global Brigades is indefinitely suspending all Brigades to Ghana. However, it is with unwavering commitment to communities that we will continue the momentum of health and development programs with a newly structured GB Ghana team working in partnership with local NGOs and governmental agencies.

To allow these projects to continue we are urging volunteers and donors to support our sustainable transition efforts in Ghana remotely through this fundraising campaign. The funds raised will be used for three main projects: microfinance, water, and medical.

Microfinance: funds will be used to support the rural bank in efforts to distribute microloans to grow business, begin community initiatives and assist in emergency situations.

Water projects: funds will be used to expand the Ghana Water Company\\\'s water system and later, connect the water system to individual households.

Medical: Funds will be focused towards the Community Health Worker program. The money is used to hire a full-time doctor, train CHWs, conduct community visits and provide primary care.


Fundraiser Goals

Program Goal: $0.00 / Airfare Goal: $0.00

Dacia Williams donated $100

Saying "I am donating on behalf of the Oregon State University Medical and Public Health Chapters!"

Nov 18, 2014 09:22 PM

100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal