MLK Day of Service at Panther Lake


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jan 18, 2014 10:00 AM

Volunteers and needed to help beautify this park and keep it clean and sustainable. Please sign up and help this effort to better our community!

Saturday, January 18th - Panther Lake, City of Federal Way, 10am-2pm, max of 60 volunteers
Join EarthCorps and the City of Federal Way as we kick off our MLK weekend of service! Panther Lake was originally the homestead of Washington States' first black political appointee, John N. Conna. Conna was an early fighter for equality at the turn of the century. Panther Lake Open Space is a 78.72 acre greenspace which serves as wonderful habitat with a year-round body of water and forested walking trails. Wetland areas such as Panther Lake provide essential wildlife habitat and attractive places for people to relax, stroll and learn about rich natural ecosystems. Volunteers should expect to remove invasive plants and perform restoration site maintenance in an effort to restore this urban forest.
500 SW Campus Dr, Federal Way, WA, 98003

100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal

In Progress
0% Complete (success)

of 60

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Activity details were updated 4077 days ago
Activity details were updated 4080 days ago

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