• About Service For Peace
    Service For Peace is an independent nonprofit organization providing service and learning opportunities through community projects which promote transformational and sustainable personal and community development throughout America and around the world.

    What we believe in: We believe that peace begins with the inner peace fostered by service to others and that active cooperation provides the foundation and the real hope for peace.

    Through our National Martin Luther King Jr. Season of Service and 40 Days of Peace campaign, we have recruited and mobilized over 250,000 volunteers who have done thousands of community service projects that help at-risk youth, schools, veterans and military families, and disadvantaged communities.


United Way of the Greater Triangle

The United Way of the Greater Triangle (UWGT) brings together local partner agencies, nonprofits, government volunteers and experts to focus on lasting changes to key issues. In 2009, the Triangle United Way merged with Johnston County United Way to create the United Way of the Greater Triangle. Triangle United Way was originally formed in 1998 as a result of the merger of three United Ways, each representing Orange, Durham, and Wake Counties. The organization is located in the center of the geographic region represented by all four North Carolina counties that make up the heart of the region known as the Research Triangle. UWGT’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of the community.

11 Members of this chapter

United Way of Utah County

Community Outreach Day was established ten years ago in January of 2000 as a program at the Center for Service and Learning at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. The program was established to honor Martin Luther King Jr. and his life of service. Community Outreach Day is one of many programs run by students and overseen by full-time employees for the Center for Service and Learning. The mission of Community Outreach Day is to bring the students and community together to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. through a day of service. We strive to instill a love for service in the hearts of all those who are involved, that they might carry the spirit of service with them for the rest of their lives.

2 Members of this chapter

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