Tracey Wilkerson

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End Date: Jun 29, 2019 08:00 AM
Volunteer Activity Message

Are you a leader who plans to offer a volunteer school group program with your students, peers, or group in the upcoming year but would like to gain the first-hand experience of our programs beforehand? Student leaders, teachers, advisors, coaches, etc. are all invited to this event!

Create an Empowered Account
1. Click on "Volunteer with Us" (right)
2. When registering for an event for the first time first with Empowered first create an account with Empowered:
3. Do so by clicking "Join Now" (lower right) on the green Empowered page. 4. When registering with Empowered use the name of the person going on the trip and any email and password you choose.
5. You will need to verify your enrollment in Empowered at the email address you provide.

Register for the Summer Panama Ambassador Trip
1. Once you're registered and logged into Empowered (you can tell by looking to the far right side on the top red banner), go back to the same group page and click 'Volunteer with Us' again on the page.
2. You will be directed to the Participant Registration Form.
3. Fill out the "Participant Information Section"
4. Click "Save".
You can return to your profile page (accessed via the tab on the blue bar on the top to the far right where it says "Hello, your name") and then go to "Initiatives" tab on your profile page and select "Edit Signup Form".

Volunteer Goals

Program Goal: $500.00 / Airfare Goal: $0.00

Thank you for your support!

91% Complete (success)

of 12

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal