Microfinance Brigades Special Summer Projects

The Microfinance Program is designed to provide rural community members with a community banking system, know as Cajas Rurales in Honduras and Community Development Funds in Ghana, with access to loans, financial literacy programs and education to increase production and foster a culture of savings and growth.
Currently the Microfinance Program in Honduras* is working with six rural community banks, which include ninety members, an agricultural and a basic grains store. There are two savings programs for children and all of the banks have Honduran legal status. The goal for the 2012 summer internship is to enrich the program’s current model and address current bank and financial needs within the communities.
In Ghana, there are currently four Community Development Funds, with about 150-300 savers each, both adult and children accounts. There are a few community-led cooperative business projects also connected with the Fund as well as an educational scholarship program. The goal of the 2012 summer internships will be to support the development and refinement of the current Microfinance model and support its implementation through the various initiatives of the Development Funds in each community.
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Pesticide Safety and Education Research
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Microfinance Internship July 2012 Ghana
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Microfinance Internship June 2012 Ghana
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Annual Chapter Contribution
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Microfinance Special Projects July 2012 Honduras
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