Water Party MIA 2015


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Sep 1, 2015 11:00 PM
End Date: Jan 10, 2016 11:00 PM

Date: Friday, November 13
Time: 6pm to 10pm
Ticket price: $35 (100% of monies to benefit Global WATER Brigades Nicaragua)
Four Seasons Hotel Miami
1435 Brickell Avenue
Miami, FL 33131

Water Party MIA, an annual celebration in Miami raising funds to make a difference in the global water crisis.

Could you imagine literally dying of thirst?

It’s a common expression used when one is parched but truthfully for a large number of people around the world this is indeed their reality.

If you are from a developed country, chances are you don't spend too much time thinking about water -- it's everywhere you go. When you're thirsty, you flip a handle or push a button. When you’re dirty, you twist a shower knob. When your garden needs watering, when your pasta needs to be boiled -- water is just there for the taking, thankfully.

But for almost 700 million people on the planet, it's not. Millions of women and children have to walk hours each day to get water from muddy ponds and rivers. And much of that water is infested with bacteria, parasites, leeches and more.
The reality is that diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Children are especially vulnerable, as their bodies aren't strong enough to fight diarrhea, dysentery and other illnesses. 90% of the 30,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and unhygienic living conditions are children under five years old. Many of these diseases are preventable. The WHO reports that over 3.6% of the global disease burden can be prevented simply by improving water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.

Becoming aware of the Global Water Crisis a few years back a group of friends in Miami decided to jump into action to help do something about it albeit small… In 2011, WATER PARTY MIA was brought to life and given wings. The idea was simple bring together as many people as possible for a celebration that included drinks, food, music and more. Monies would be raised by charging a cover fee of $35, which was a direct donation to the group’s fundraising campaign page setup via the charity they were championing which addressed the global water crisis. By the end of their first Water Party MIA the group had raised $5,267 which would ultimately serve 263 people in need and be enough funds for one water well in Malawi, Africa.

Having said all that the group has continued its efforts year after year and has raised $34,216 in three years via its Annual Water Party MIA (Water Party MIA 2011 raised $5,267 and benefitted Malawi and Ethiopia, Water Party MIA 2012 raised $8,074 and benefitted Rwanda, Water Party MIA 2013 raised $10,833 and benefitted Cambodia and Water Party MIA 2014 raised $10,042 and benefitted Honduras) with no signs of slowing down. As they continue their efforts and desire to affect long lasting change for others without the most basic need – WATER the group continues its efforts year after year upping the ante with their annual WATER PARTY MIA.

It is the groups’ hope that year after year as Water Party MIA they’ll be able to say that they changed tomorrow today by making a difference in the global water crisis.

Our effort to bring Water Party MIA to life in our eyes is the most efficient conversion of money into love/hope available anywhere on the planet… we look forward to our annual Water Party MIA celebrations and to further our pursuit to bring fresh clean drinking WATER to our neighbors all around the world because, WATER CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!

100% Complete (success)

of $12,500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


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100% Complete (success)

of 0

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Brenda Cortes

Passionate about: Life (best gift), traveling (best memories) and laughter (best food for the soul)

Dan mucerino

Passionate about: Food, Life, Traveling, Helping others

Denise Erwin

Passionate about: BULLA GASTROBAR AND PISCO Y NAZCA are excited to be able to be part of this great cause, please donate here for your tickets.

Farrah Marin-Serralta

Passionate about: Empowering the less fortunate so that their tomorrow is brighter; filled with attainable hopes and dreams.

Tania Marin

Passionate about: ... Solving the Global WATER Crisis in our lifetime!
Eyda Perez donated $40 3060 days ago
Neel h amin md donated $300 3412 days ago
lisa paz donated $35 3416 days ago
Rosario Rico Toro donated $650 3417 days ago
Dr Neel H Amin donated $150 3417 days ago

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