Women's Conference February 2013 Honduras


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Feb 1, 2013 12:00 AM

This first and hopefully annual women's conference with GB Honduras will take place on February 7, 2013 in honor of Dia de la Mujer (Women's Day on January 25). With this day, the female GB staff will be helping to organize educational discussions and workshops focused on the empowerment of women in the rural communities where we work! The topics will include women\\\'s health, women in business, leadership, communication, and community experience sharing.

For the women’s conference to be utilized as a method of empowering local leadership to promote equality of life and prepare communities for Global Brigades’ sustainable exit. In addition, for female leaders of the communities where GB programs have worked to have a day where they can learn from each other and other GB female staff through educational and experience sharing discussions.

All of Global Brigades funding is allocated for brigade programming and therefore we would like to fundraise separately for this initiative without utilizing program funding. We would like to be able to invite up to 100 women from 9 different communities where programs have worked to participate in the conference. This means that we would also need to provide transportation for the women as well as cover the cost of renting vehicles,drivers, and also the transportation of GB staff who will be helping out on this day. The amount of women participating will depend on how much fundraising we can do!

Please help us to raise money to be able to transport and provide food and materials for the women from the communities and GB staff to one of our compounds on this exciting day!

85% Complete (success)

of $3,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

2% Complete (success)

of 300

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Amanda DiMeo

Passionate about: international development, community empowerment & health

Elise Lasko

Passionate about: community and global outreach projects that strive to make a difference in the world

Nicole Massey

Passionate about: Helping others in whatever way I can! I love meeting new people, immersing myself in other cultures and learning new languages.

Siyu Xiao

Passionate about: After co-leading the first Medical Brigade at the University of Pittsburgh in 2011-12, I cannot wait to continue planning and working with my fellow teammates again. As one chapter of the internationa... [Read More]
Anonymous donated $75 4406 days ago
Anonymous donated $100 4406 days ago
Anonymous donated $5 4406 days ago
Anonymous donated $25 4406 days ago
Activity details was updated 4408 days ago

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