Adriana Ricci

Passionate About:

Running, helping people, and working hard :)







Highlighted Initiative

OSU Medical Outreach to Peru 2015

Adriana's Message

Hello dear family and friends

Some of you may know I am apart of a wonderful organization called Volunteers Around the World at The Ohio State University. This organization has the goal of reaching out to people without access to medical supplies or basic health education in various parts of the world. Myself and a group of about 20 OSU students are going to Peru in May 2015 for two weeks. We will be with a team of doctors performing various medical procedures at our mobile clinic to help those in the area. I personally want to go on this trip because I believe no one should be left without the chance to live a full and happy life. Health and hygiene are extremely important for these families in Peru, and I would love your support to help bring them access to things we take for granted every day. If you have any questions please message me :) I will post updates frequently!

Thank you SO much for any support you would like to generously donate!


Volunteer Activity Description

The VAW team at the Ohio State University will be embarking on a two week adventurous medical mission trip in May. Our goal is to set up mobile clinics in rural areas, who's community has limited or no access to medicine or health care, in countries such as Peru. In order to do this we need to raise money to buy medical supplies but also to make getting there a possibility. We are passionate about what we do and strive to make this world a better place. Please help us achieve our goals to help others!! After all, what we do wouldn't be a possibility without you.


Thank you for your support!

73% Complete (success)

of 15

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Stephen J Ricci donated $150.0000 to Adriana 3590 days ago
Stephen Ricci donated $150.0000 to Adriana 3592 days ago
Adriana Ricci donated $150.0000 to Adriana 3592 days ago
Laura Luomala donated $50.0000 to Adriana 3636 days ago
Guest User donated $60.00 to Adriana 3636 days ago
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