Alice Anand

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Highlighted Initiative

Oulton College Dental Brigade March 2014 Honduras

Volunteer Activity Description

Dental Brigade volunteers will accompany a Medical Brigade in setting up temporary clinics in pre-identified communities in Honduras to provide health care where access is limited. Each community receives a brigade every 3-4 months. Students on the brigade are given the opportunity to shadow licensed health care professionals while learning about local Panamanian culture. A typical Medical/Dental Brigade clinic consists of six stations: Intake, Triage, Consultation, Dental, Charla (health education), and Pharmacy. Each Dental Brigade will be accompanied by at least one Honduran Dentist trained to provide immediate relief through dental extractions. Students will help perpetuate a sustainable dental initiative by providing preventative fluoride treatments, cleanings, and educational programs.

66% Complete (success)

of $750.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Guest User donated $250.00 to Alice 4441 days ago
Alice Anand updated her profile information 4441 days ago
Alice Anand joined Oulton College Dental Brigade March 2014 Honduras 4518 days ago
Alice Anand updated her profile information 4518 days ago
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