Analy Spring Break 2015 Nicaragua


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Mar 28, 2015 12:00 AM
End Date: Apr 6, 2015 12:00 AM

Global Student Embassy (GSE) uses hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges to provide high school students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop ecological literacy and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

100% Complete (success)

of $50,600.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

95% Complete (success)

of 23

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Anna Paulson

Passionate about: nature, hiking,helping others, traveling, dancing, surfing, cats, sunny weather, and beaches.

Autumn Lopez

Passionate about: GSE, the environment, kids, spainsh, the ocean, trees, fish, and music

Ellese Roberts

Passionate about: Dance, volleyball, exercise, health

Gillian Halpin

Passionate about: Staying fit, academics, and travel
Lynda Evans Ricci donated $50 3643 days ago
Debbie Friedman donated $100 3644 days ago
Annah Young donated $0 3651 days ago
Brad Engstrand donated $500 3655 days ago
Anonymous donated $538 3658 days ago

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