Betsy Navarro

Santa Barbara, CA

Passionate About:

Environmental, social, racial and global equality, unity can create change, education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world!







Highlighted Initiative

UC Santa Barbara Nicaragua Spring Break 2017

Betsy's Message

Hello family & friends I hope all is well and that this year is turning out nothing but prosperous and plentiful, I also want to share some exciting news!!
I will be graduating from the University of California Santa Barbara with a BA in Environmental Studies and a minor in Spanish this upcoming June. Ive enjoyed my time in Santa Barbara and all the wonderful experiences it has given me, the friendships, my everlasting sisterhood and the growth it has brought to my life. I am truly blessed to have had my two lovely parents along the way supporting me in all I do. My time at UCSB feels like it ending too soon and I want to leave this institution with a smile on my face and ready for the world. I am eager and thrilled to be opening a new chapter in my life as I continue to grow and seek a better future.
I am taking my last courses as an undergrad and will be done with school by the end of March. For my spring break, and early graduation present, I have decided to leave on a week long program to Nicaragua where I will be serving a community in Boaco, Nicaragua doing environmental restoration work, fixing irrigation systems and helping provide the knowledge to grow crops using sustainable farming practices along with learning about a different people, their culture and way of life. Servicing an international community would mean Im making a change in the global world and that is what this trip will service me in. "Be the change you want to see in the world" Gandhi
Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jeremiah 29:11

Hola familia y amigos, espero que todos estén bien y de buena salud ¡Quiero compartir algunas noticias emocionantes con ustedes !!
Este Junio, me graduaré de la Universidad de California Santa Bárbara con mi licentciatura en Estudios Ambientales con una minoridad en español. He disfrutado mi tiempo en Santa Bárbara y todas las experiencias maravillosas que me ha dado, las amistades, mi eterna hermandad y el crecimiento que ha traído a mi vida. Estoy verdaderamente bendecida por haber tenido a mis dos padres a lo largo del camino apoyándome en todo. Mi tiempo en UCSB parece que termina demasiado pronto y quiero dejar esta institución con una sonrisa en mi cara y lista para el mundo. Estoy ansioso y emocionado de estar abriendo un nuevo capítulo en mi vida mientras sigo creciendo y buscando un futuro mejor.
Estoy tomando mis últimos cursos y terminare con la escuela a finales de marzo. Para mi descanso de primavera, y un regalo de graduación, he decidido ir a un programa de una semana a Nicaragua donde voy a servir a la comunidad en Boaco, Nicaragua haciendo trabajos de restauración ambiental, arreglando sistemas de riego y ayudando a proporcionar el conocimiento para cultivar usando prácticas agrícolas sostenibles junto con yo aprendiendo sobre la gente, su cultura y forma de vida. El servicio a una comunidad internacional significaría que estaré haciendo un cambio en el mundo global.
"Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo" Gandhi
Cualquier donación sería muy apreciada familia y amigos. ¡Muchas gracias!
Jeremias 29:11

Volunteer Activity Description

Traveling with GSE means working alongside our Nicaraguan peers, hiking up a volcano through the mist of Lake Nicaragua, and visiting beautiful colonial Leon, a center of culture and history with many beautiful murals and cathedrals. Students experience Nicaragua through discussions about the countries social and environmental history. GSE Nicaragua staff and students welcome groups to their community and share their experience working on their school farms. Participants sample delicious local cuisine served at family farms, at local restaurants, as well as meals specially prepared for us and brought to our hostel.

Hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges provide students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop organic farming skills, practice Spanish, and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

Last year students helped to build an irrigation system for a 1.5-acre school farm, a 10 x 15 meter greenhouse, and two medium-sized school gardens. The overall focus is on expanding production, building new garden sites, and developing a capacity to harvest plots year round by installing water tanks and well systems which will increase the number of harvest cycles by 40%. 100% of the produce grown will go to feeding hundreds of local students. Crops grown include: mangos, bananas, yuca, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and many others.

Plants aren’t the only things that grow! International travel facilitates profound transformation for students. Students return home with an understanding of a new culture, with new friends, and an inspiration to make change in their local and global community.

100% Complete (success)

of $2,489.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

60% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Betsy Navarro donated $84.0000 to Betsy 2915 days ago
Guest User donated $350.00 to Betsy 2918 days ago
Betsy Navarro donated $1,000.0000 to Betsy 2931 days ago
Alexandria C Reed donated $50.0000 to Betsy 2964 days ago
betsy navarro donated $700.0000 to Betsy 2971 days ago
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