Brian Ward President

Amherst, MA

Passionate About:

I am looking forward to helping those in need through dental medicine and education.







Highlighted Initiative

University of Massachusetts at Amherst Dental Outreach trip to the Dominican Republic, June 2016

Brian Ward's Message

This June I will be leading a two-week dental outreach trip to the Dominican Republic. Our team will be volunteering our time in a mobile clinic where we will be traveling to areas of need and will be offering a wide variety of dental care. We will be working with 6 local dentists who have also volunteered their time. We will also spend our time in some local elementary schools where we will be teaching dental hygiene to the students. I am hoping to raise money to help fund the medical supplies and operational costs. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated and if anyone might be interested in volunteering I still have a few spots open!

Volunteer Activity Description

Join UMass Amherst on their Dental Outreach trip to the D.R. this summer break! We will have the opportunity to learn about various dental procedures, such as cleanings, restorations, fillings, and extractions, learn about the current healthcare system in the D.R. as well as lead public health classes for children!


Thank you for your support!

60% Complete (success)

of 15

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Brian Ward donated $469.0000 to Brian Ward 3249 days ago
Brian Ward donated $1,000.0000 to Brian Ward 3293 days ago
christina treyz donated $250.0000 to Brian Ward 3304 days ago
Patricia Berrick donated $200.0000 to Brian Ward 3305 days ago
Alex Berrick donated $50.0000 to Brian Ward 3318 days ago
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