Business Brigades at McMaster University
McMaster University is a chapter of Global Business Brigades, an international movement of university students and professionals that support rural and Indigenous communities in Central America, Africa, and Europe. We work alongside promising entrepreneurs and experienced year-round staff in remote, rural, and under resourced communities to promote sustainable economic growth. Working with communities, we support the establishment of community-owned banks to provide access to loans and savings accounts that provide capital to micro-enterprises and a safety net for families. In conjunction with our Business Program, Global Brigades empowers communities through healthcare consultations, and sanitation and clean water projects, in a holistic model that supports sustainable social development in partnered communities. Our model systematically builds community ownership and collaboratively executes programs to empower the autonomy of communities and businesses. To learn more, please visit
of this Chapter
in Program Contributions
McMaster University Business Brigades December 2025 Panama
of $34,200.00
in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal
To reach Initiative Goal
of 12
volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal