CHI Summer Abroad Trip to Kenya July 2016


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jul 5, 2016 8:00 AM
End Date: Aug 8, 2016 8:00 PM

Educating and empowering the next generation of young leaders around the world! CHI Summer Abroad program is a five-week study abroad program that takes Sonoma County high school students to our CHI Academy in Kenya for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit a part of the world that few local residents of any age, let alone teens, have an opportunity to experience.

93% Complete (success)

of $65,455.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 11

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Ashley Trejo

Passionate about: Learning about other languages and cultures. Many, many things.

Briana Nunes

Passionate about: Education, traveling, doing my part locally to support our global community!

Emma Guerrero

Passionate about: Traveling to new places, experiencing new cultures, and making new friends.

Gabe Woulbroun

Passionate about: Helping people, travel, and learning new things

Georgia Wyman

Passionate about: I love having new and enriching experiences. Traveling abroad gives me the opportunity to meet new people, learn from a different culture, and maybe teach others there about my culture. I also am pass... [Read More]

Jordan Burns

Passionate about: Educating and empowering the next generation of young leaders!
Julia (Jules) Olaso donated $75 3160 days ago
Bonnie Jean Shelton donated $100 3178 days ago
Terry Price donated $50 3178 days ago
Julie Thompson donated $50 3179 days ago
Tony Guerrero donated $720 3179 days ago

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