Camille Castillo

San Diego, CA

Passionate About:

Humanitarian engineering, Traveling, Solving water issues, International Sustainable Development, Hiking







Highlighted Initiative

Sustainable Engineering Internship Honduras 3

Camille's Message

Hello all! Please help me fundraise for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to intern abroad in Honduras. This internship gives me the chance to shadow local engineers and technicians in community water projects and understand the inner workings of the Global Brigades sustainable and holistic development program. As a graduating college senior whose aspiration is to become a water engineer that helps bring clean water to those in need, this internship will provide amazing insight on how I can get one step closer to achieving my dream career. Thank you, any donation is appreciated!

Volunteer Activity Description

This is the page you can use to fundraise, coordinate logistics and also to interact with the other members of your specific internship team.

100% Complete (success)

of $1,980.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

40% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Bretney Padilla donated $25.0000 to Camille 3635 days ago
MANDI METTLER donated $30.0000 to Camille 3635 days ago
Camille Castillo donated $1,600.00 to Camille Castillo 3635 days ago
Monica l castillo donated $40.0000 to Camille 3637 days ago
Megan Mar donated $40.00 to Camille Castillo 3645 days ago
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