Caroline Schlutius


Passionate About:

I am passionate about doing my part to save the environment and connecting with people from across all cultures, not just within my backyard.







Highlighted Initiative

Summer Internship (June 22-July 22)

Volunteer Activity Description

Join Global Student Embassy (GSE) for a summer internship in the community of Chacraseca, Nicaragua. GSE, an international education and community development organization, works in Northern California, Nicaragua, and Ecuador to address issues of food scarcity and environmental destruction. We are looking for interested student volunteers to join us this summer to help further develop our organic school farm projects that will feed hundreds of local students. Students will work alongside the local community on school garden projects and engage in other activities including practicing Spanish, living with a host family, and taking adventures to climb a volcano and visit the beaches of the Pacific Coast. GSE works with each student to develop a learning plan to guide their individual internship. The Summer Internship lasts for four weeks.

Location: Located on the outskirts of the historic city of Leon, Chacraseca is a farming community in Nicaragua that has practiced industrial farming for more than 50 years, using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and machinery. Today the land is contaminated with chemicals deep in the soil. These methods leave the once rich volcanic soils susceptible to erosion from high winds and heavy rains which greatly decrease nutrients in the soil and creates further dependency on chemicals. As a result, the community faces health and economic challenges. A growing movement has started to express mounting interest in alternative farming methods.

100% Complete (success)

of $2,300.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

76% Complete (success)

of 13

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Caroline Schlutius donated $600.0000 to Caroline 3868 days ago
Caroline Schlutius donated $500.00 to Caroline Schlutius 3921 days ago
Caroline Schlutius donated $700.00 to Caroline Schlutius 3932 days ago
Caroline Schlutius donated $500.00 to Caroline Schlutius 3962 days ago
Caroline Schlutius donated $1,075.00 to Caroline Schlutius 4058 days ago
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