Casey Littleton

Franklin, TN and Auburn, AL

Passionate About:

I am passionate about extending the joy I have in my heart to others around me. This involves fostering meaningful relationships while serving those with much larger needs than my own.







Highlighted Initiative

Global Leadership Institute July 2016 Nicaragua

Casey's Message

Hello all!

Thanks for visiting my volunteer page. For those of you who don't know, I will be traveling to Nicaragua this July with an organization called Global Brigades. I have been familiar with GB for some time, but a few months ago I decided to finally do some intentional research with an interest in joining. What I did not know was that this organization has various university chapters throughout the United States, except at Auburn University. Luckily, I happened upon a summer leadership program provided by Global Brigades that prepares potential leaders (such as myself) to start a chapter on his or her campus. Long story short: I applied, I was accepted, and I am now bound for Nicaragua!

BUT there are funds I must raise in order to get me there. I am currently accepting donations with a grateful heart.

Thank you so much for your support -- financial or otherwise!

If you'd like to learn more about Global Brigades and their mission, please visit


Volunteer Activity Description

During their 7 days in Nicaragua, student leaders will experience a behind-the-scenes look at Global Brigades' Holistic Model. Under the mentorship of Global Brigades staff, both local and foreign, participants will learn first-hand about each of the programs currently implemented in Nicaragua, how they support one another, and ultimately how they contribute to the sustainable transition plan for each community. In addition to site visits and field work, students will develop their leadership skills through evening workshops that range from discussing the complexity of international health and development work, to practical leadership strategies for managing their chapters year-round.

100% Complete (success)

of $290.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

93% Complete (success)

of 15

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Casey A Littleton donated $90.0000 to Casey 3186 days ago
Ann H Johnson donated $50.0000 to Casey 3190 days ago
Casey Littleton donated $150.00 to Casey Littleton 3231 days ago
Casey Littleton joined 3231 days ago
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