Chaminade College Preparatory School - Global Health Squad to Costa Rica - May 31-June 6, 2020


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: May 31, 2020 12:00 AM
End Date: Jun 6, 2020 12:00 AM

Individual Donation Goals include Program Goals and Airfare Goals. For the Chaminade College Preparatory School - Global Health Squad to Costa Rica - May 31-June 6, 2020, the Program Goal is $1050 per volunteer.

Program Donation Goals
A volunteer or their parent/guardian must provide written (email) intent of the cancellation of their program participation to Squads Abroad within 1 month after their cancellation and notify us of how plan they intend to apply the funds raised toward their Program Donation Goal. Program Donation Goals may be designated towards the same volunteer or another volunteer for 12 months upon time of cancellation. If the volunteer doesn’t email Squads Abroad within the 1 month period, the funds raised toward the volunteer’s squad program will be utilized to further Squads Abroad’s mission and no longer available to meet a future designated squad.

Airfare Donation Goals
Per your request the group flight has been cancelled and an Airline credit has been issued in the name of each individual traveler. Flights booked through the Squads Abroad travel team have been purchased utilizing donated funds. As such, any issued vouchers/credits should only be used for future squads and not utilized for personal use. Flight credits with airlines are utilized as credit toward a future flight booking and cannot be exchanged for cash. Airfare Donation Goals include additional coverage for the teacher-chaperone flights and travel agent booking fees and, as a result, flight credits provided will be significantly less than the Airfare Donation donation goal. Flight credits may only be applied to travel that is completed one year from the ticket issue date (60 days prior to departure). It is the responsibility of the volunteer to utilize the credit before expiration, otherwise the value of the credit is forfeited. Squads Abroad travel agents will provide a new group booking and apply individual flight credits to the re-booking. Squads Abroad is not responsible for increased airfare prices quoted by airlines during the booking of new flights.

55% Complete (success)

of $19,900.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Activity details were updated 885 days ago
Activity details were updated 1606 days ago
Activity details were updated 1763 days ago
Activity details were updated 1806 days ago
Phil and Joanne Giljum donated $50 1823 days ago

No photos for this initiative.