Chelsey Cartwright

Sometimes California, Sometimes DC

Passionate About:

I love learning, whether its a new hobby, a new friend, or a new culture. Lately I've loved cooking, journaling, and slowing down with friends!







Highlighted Initiative

American University Nicaragua Summer 2017

Chelsey's Message

If there's one thing I've learned through college, it's that I don't actually know that much about anything. The more I study and research and discover what makes up our world (whether it's people or places or ideas or events), the more questions I have. But I love that. There's always something new and exciting to be introduced to, and in my experience......there are always people willing to share what they know to somebody with an open mind.

If I were to say a SECOND thing I've learned in recent years, it's that choosing to follow after things that excite you will always be rewarding.

So here I am. Excited and thankful for the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua (a country I swore I'd go back to after visiting in high school) and work with people who are putting good into the world. I don't have too much experience in farming or environmental issues, but I want to learn.

This will be a humbling (and I'm sure challenging) trip, but I know that just by meeting different people and pushing myself to try new skills outside my comfort zone, I'll grow a lot.

Volunteer Activity Description

Traveling with GSE means working alongside our Nicaraguan peers, hiking up a volcano through the mist of Lake Nicaragua.

Hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges provide students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop organic farming skills, practice Spanish, and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

Last year students helped to build an irrigation system for a 1.5-acre school farm, a 10 x 15 meter greenhouse, and two medium-sized school gardens. The overall focus is on expanding production, building new garden sites, and developing a capacity to harvest plots year round by installing water tanks and well systems which will increase the number of harvest cycles by 40%. 100% of the produce grown will go to feeding hundreds of local students. Crops grown include: mangos, bananas, yuca, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and many others.

Plants aren’t the only things that grow! International travel facilitates profound transformation for students. Students return home with an understanding of a new culture, with new friends, and an inspiration to make change in their local and global community.

100% Complete (success)

of $745.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

36% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Chelsey Cartwright donated $245.0000 to Chelsey 2848 days ago
Javier Tovar donated $100.0000 to Chelsey 2879 days ago
Shelly Calixihan donated $20.0000 to Chelsey 2883 days ago
Guest User donated $100.00 to Chelsey 2883 days ago
Chelsey Cartwright donated $299.0000 to Chelsey 2965 days ago
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