Cindy Lau

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Highlighted Initiative

Lowell Nicaragua Spring Break 2016

Volunteer Activity Description

Travel to the colonial city Boaco in the foothills of Nicaragua, and explore this beautiful cowboy town. Sow seeds and dig in the dirt alongside local environmentalists as we develop sustainable agriculture projects at a non-profit clinic outside of Boaco, and spend tranquil evenings listing to the howlers from the ranch hotel. Finish up the trip with a few days relaxing at a volcanic crater lake called Laguna de Apoyo, or at famous Playa Gigante on Nicaragua’s Gold Coast. This is the birth of a youth environmental movement, where students develop technical skills and the drive to change the world.

100% Complete (success)

of $2,289.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

85% Complete (success)

of 28

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Cindy Lau donated $1.00 to Cindy Lau 3317 days ago
Richard Lau donated $1000.0000 to Cindy 3383 days ago
Richard Lau donated $1000.0000 to Cindy 3391 days ago
Richard Lau donated $1000.0000 to Cindy 3394 days ago
Cindy Lau joined 3432 days ago
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