Clemson / WAVES Peru Service Trip


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: May 31, 2013 12:00 AM

Waves For Development approached Clemson University in the Fall of 2011 in hopes of developing a partnership with the Clemson Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Department. WAVES For Development organizes grassroots volunteer opportunities in a premiere South American Surf location that is Lobitos Peru. Matt Hughes, Jennifer Thomsen, and Lorraine Lobascio have put together a class trip where students interested in the opportunity, will travel to Peru and volunteer with WAVES for Development. While there they will put themselves in a unique culture and help a small rural community in need. Upon completing the volunteer experience, we will take the students to experience one of the modern wonders of the world, Machu Picchu. However, the following story may give you an idea as to whom these students will be working with while in Peru.

Henry Espinoza is a typical kid from Lobitos, Peru. Except for one thing...Henry found a professional photographer that was a volunteer with WAVES For Development that taught him how to use a camera.

WAVES and the Volunteer raised funds for a camera Henry could call his own and now Henry makes a great living taking photos of surfers from the beach and selling them back to tourists! The revenue Henry earns is partially saved, used to support himself and pays for the overhead of his photography business.

A group of students from Clemson\\\\\\\'s Creative Inquiry class are going to Peru to assist WAVES with their environmental, entrepreneurial, and community outreach programming.

Please help us help people like Henry by donating to our trip. Thanks so much!

4% Complete (success)

of $30,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

41% Complete (success)

of 12

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Elizabeth Hallacy

Passionate about: Language Education, Music and Comedy

Jennifer Thomsen

Passionate about: Wildlife, the outdoors, traveling, life

Matt Hughes

Passionate about: Surfing

Megan Davis

Passionate about: Playing on the beach, surfing, serving others

Tim Rowse

Passionate about: When I look at my life I want to be able to say \"Yes, this is exactly where I want to be\".
Activity details were updated 4428 days ago
Activity details were updated 4433 days ago
Activity details was updated 4433 days ago
Activity details was updated 4434 days ago
Activity details was updated 4448 days ago

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