Dental Unit To Expand Dental Care in Panama


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Sep 30, 2015 11:00 PM

Poverty in Panama is defined as earning less than $3.13 per day. 52.7% of the Darien province lives in poverty. 96.7% of Panama’s indigenous population lives in poverty. The ratio of dentists to Panamanian citizens is 1 to 3,440. According to recent studies by the Ministry of Health, the prevalence is 3.7 DMFT (decayed, missing, and filled teeth), 90% of the population, suffer tooth decay.
During the 2014 brigades, dentists performed 2366 extractions, representing 85% of dental procedures. When dental clinics included the addition of the dental unit and its required materials, 145 fillings, comprising 5% of total dental procedures. Lastly, 285 fluoride applications represent 10% of the procedures performed by the dental clinic.
At the closing of the 2014 season a start of 2015 the dental team implemented changes to improve the dental attention, including installing a ultrasonic cleaner for prophylaxis. We also began purchasing the materials for restorations as well as supplies that volunteers are not able to secure due to high costs and complicated procurement processes (including certification).
Between December 2014 and March 2015 the mobile dental clinics performed 1733 extractions, which represent 53% of the total dental procedures. Additionally, the clinic performed 234 fillings when the dental unit was available and stocked, representing 7% of total dental activities. Now that the necessary prophylaxis equipment is available, 457 prophylaxis procedures have been completed, 14% of the dental clinics activities. Lastly, the clinic has completed 824 fluoride applications, 26% of activities. These initial numbers indicate that the 2015 season will show increase dental activity in the mobile clinics.
Every season we host brigades or mobile clinics in Panamanian communities with the help of volunteers. Usually the volunteers are our main donors, covering the costs of materials and supplies. On the other hand, Global Brigades contracts Health Care Professionals.
Based on our experience during past seasons, we have concluded that having only one dental unit is not sufficient in order to offer adequate oral health services to the community.
Given this, although we have the necessary supplies, we should also invest in two extra dental units in order to expand our dental services and better serve our communities. In this way, we will be able to offer the services provided with a dental unit to three communities at any time, instead of just one.

0% Complete (success)

of $6,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


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100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Activity details were updated 3523 days ago
Activity details were updated 3523 days ago
Activity details were updated 3523 days ago
Activity details were updated 3523 days ago

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