Egyankwaa - Oxford MF Sept.2013 Follow-Up


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Jan 1, 2014 12:00 AM

After a extremely successful brigade in Ghana at the end of September, the Oxford Microfinance Brigade is looking to fundraise for special projects in the community of Ekumfi Egyankwaa.

The money raised through this campaign will go towards the following:

1. Community Development Fund Capitalization - The proceeds will go towards increasing the capital within the community bank for the facilitation of more loans in the community.

2. Social Enterprise Development - Following the completed expansion of the already existing Chair and Canopy Business in the community, the proceeds will go towards the creation of a new social enterprise, a soap-making cooperative operated by women in the community.

3. Education Initiatives - This will include facilitating industry specific workshops for the community as a whole as well as leaders of the development fund. Examples of trainings include, but are not limited to, professionals teaching trades, prominent agriculturalists or development organizations teaching improved agriculture methods, or facilitating workshops in partnerships with other NGOs and organizations.

The final ratio will be determined based on the community’s development status as well as an on-the-ground assessment performed by the in-country team. Once the goal is reached, a report documenting how the money was used will be produced and sent to all donors approximately 3 months after the campaign closes.

Any donation towards this effort is greatly appreciated.

62% Complete (success)

of £800.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Alexandra McIntyre donated £500 4117 days ago
Activity details was updated 4117 days ago
Activity details were updated 4119 days ago

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