Elliott Carlson

Syracuse, NY

Passionate About:


My name is Elliott and I am an engineering student at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. We have partnered with the Global Student Embassy in efforts of traveling to Boaco, Nicaragua. While in country we will take part in hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges in the local community. Projects that we will take part in include topics such as biointensive farming, sustainable agriculture, potable water, and solar micro-grids while working closely with the local community and high school students to promote environmental stewardship. Not only is this an amazing experience for our volunteers, it provides the community members with a capable workforce and an opportunity to advance their local farms further using developing technology. By the end of the trip, volunteers will have built on the already existing relationship with the local community, be immersed in the local culture and have an amazing experience while learning valuable life skills.

If you are interested in supporting my trip to Nicaragua, I would greatly appreciate any size donation. Any amount would help me reach my goal and enable me to travel and lend my hand to a community in need. Not only do I want to provide labor for the community farmers, I want to help advance their agricultural methods and implement technologies that would help them prosper in the future. Thank you so much for your donation and I hope to share pictures and stories on my return with all of my donors.







Highlighted Initiative

Syracuse Ecuador Winter Break 2018

Volunteer Activity Description

Syracuse Ecuador Winter Break 2018

0% Complete (success)

of $2,489.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Brian Walsh donated $20.0000 to Elliott 2664 days ago
Elliott Carlson joined Syracuse Ecuador Winter Break 2018 2766 days ago
Elliott Carlson donated $631.9500 to Elliott 3025 days ago
Jill Reece donated $200.0000 to Elliott 3032 days ago
Julia Woznicki donated $57.0500 to Elliott 3032 days ago
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