Exon Efrain Osorto Lopez (CA)


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Oct 10, 2017 12:00 AM

AGE: 2 years
COMMUNITY: Quebrachos, Santa Rosa Guinope

Exon is a cute little boy from Quebrachos, he went to a medical brigade in Santa Rosa Guinope a community located approximately 2 hours away from Tegucigalpa, but Quebrachos the community where he lives is farther away, people walk to get to other places and they only have a bus service that works only early morning, they don’t have a health center or nurse in the community; that is why people walk long distances whenever they find out there is a medical brigade nearby.
The brigade took place on march 2017, he was evaluated by the doctors in one of the consult stations and discovered he has a lipoma of 3 cms. on his back for 2 years already, it doesn’t cause him pain, but it is growing rapidly. Thank to Mount Allison University we are going to be able to take him to the surgeon and decide if he need the surgical procedure. They have donated $165 towards his cause already!

Update: Exon has been receiving treatment in the nearby hospital in Talanga. His initial visits show that he will not need surgery but he has a follow-up visit in November to verify.

100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Activity details were updated 2836 days ago
Activity details were updated 2836 days ago

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