Ian Churchill

Passionate About:







Highlighted Initiative

Acalanes Nicaragua Summer 2017

Ian's Message

In June, 2017, prior to heading off to K-State to study Agricultural Business, I will be traveling to Boaco, Nicaragua with some classmates and my Environmental Science teacher, to help the townspeople plan and develop environmentally sustainable agricultural projects with a non-profit organization. I am really interested in seeing how my Agriculture degree can help people throughout the world, not just in the United States. As my parents are paying for college, I have decided to raise all the $2899 for this trip myself. I have asked family members to donate at the holidays and on my birthday in lieu of presents. If you can help, even a little bit, I would be so thankful. Every dollar counts. Upon my return from Nicaragua, I will send all my donors pictures and a synopsis of what I was able to accomplish. Don't forget - these donations are 100% tax deductible. Thank you so much for your support.

Volunteer Activity Description

Global Student Embassy (GSE) uses hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges to provide high school students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop ecological literacy and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

100% Complete (success)

of $2,899.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

92% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Christina Churchill donated $1,580.0000 to Ian 2888 days ago
Mary Ann Parrish donated $55.0000 to Ian 2890 days ago
Lauren Kessinger donated $20.0000 to Ian 2891 days ago
Sereta Churchill donated $100.0000 to Ian 2891 days ago
Mary Ann Parrish donated $35.0000 to Ian 2897 days ago
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