Isabella Karman


Passionate About:

spending time with my family and my friends, and making the most out of every experience! When I have my mind set to something, I always find a way to accomplish it. I'm all about setting goals for myself in my future, and helping others has always been one of the tops on my list.
I traveled to the Dominican Republic during the summer and it was a life changing experience. I learned so much about myself and my lifestyle and all the while I got to make new friends, have fun, and feel great!
I have been taking dance classes for my drama department in school, which has been fun, I love to work on my skills in aerial silks (if you don't know what that is, look it up! It's super cool!), I do a good amount of babysitting for people in my town, I love art, specifically drawing, painting, and photography, I'm learning how to surf and I love to bogey board, I'm apart of the JSA, Ocean, and FNL clubs at my school, I'm really interested in nutrition, I'm teaching myself simple songs on my piano, I love to bake and cook delicious meals, and most of all I love to have fun and laugh!







Highlighted Initiative

Marin Leadership Council 2016-7

Volunteer Activity Description

Marin Leadership Council 2016-7

100% Complete (success)

of $250.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Isabella Karman joined Marin Leadership Council 2016-7 3150 days ago
Yvette L Karman donated $250.0000 to Isabella 3151 days ago
Samuel C Dibble donated $25.0000 to Isabella 3349 days ago
Robert M Karman donated $50.0000 to Isabella 3349 days ago
Andre V Mancl donated $300.0000 to Isabella 3349 days ago
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