Julia Ross

Northern California

Passionate About:

I am passionate about sustainability, environmental restoration, and encouraging young people to get active and make a difference.







Highlighted Initiative

UC Davis Ecuador Spring Break 2017

Julia's Message

I have been working with GSE for four years now, and I am excited to go on my first college trip! Through GSE, I have discovered my passion for environmental restoration and sustainability. Please help me return to Ecuador and make a difference!

Volunteer Activity Description

Traveling with GSE involves everything from visiting a native bird sanctuary to hiking along Ecuador’s beautiful coastline. Students enjoy authentic Ecuadorian cuisine and collaborate on local projects with their international peers.

GSE uses hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges to provide students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop ecological literacy and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as communication and collaboration.

Each year during exchange programs, students plant 5,000 native trees in La Punta Gorda Preserve. Students also work along side their Ecuadorian peers at Fanny de Baird High School to further develop their school garden. The garden provides produce for the school community and offers an interactive education on local food systems and organic farming.

Plants aren’t the only things that grow! International travel facilitates profound transformation for students. Students leave the trip with a better understanding of different cultures and people, inspiring them to become change makers and leaders in their own community.

100% Complete (success)

of $1,244.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

52% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Pamela Ross donated $245.0000 to Julia 2927 days ago
Pamela Ross donated $200.0000 to Julia 2937 days ago
Julia May Ross donated $100.0000 to Julia 2949 days ago
Julia Ross donated $300.0000 to Julia 2960 days ago
Julia May Ross donated $100.0000 to Julia 2991 days ago
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