Kelly Horan

St Andrews, Fife

Passionate About:

Volunteers on a Microfinance Brigade spend seven days in a rural community of Honduras. Prior to the brigade, GB staff trains community leaders who act as the executive board members of the community bank called the Caja Rural. Throughout the brigade, volunteers divide into groups where they visit several families in their homes. During the community visits, volunteers develop an understanding of the families’ ways of life, aspirations, and financial literacy. Following the visits, the students hold a community meeting about the Caja Rural focused on topics such as budgeting, savings incentives programs, and loans. At the end of week, students determine how they will allocate their CIF(community investment fund), whether it may be to an individual family or a lump sum donated to the Caja.







Live Feed
Kelly Horan joined Microfinance Brigade 2012 4769 days ago
Kelly Horan updated her profile information 4769 days ago
Kelly Horan updated her profile information 4769 days ago
Kelly Horan updated her profile information 4769 days ago
Kelly Horan updated her profile information 4769 days ago
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