Leslie Morales

University of South Florida

Passionate About:

Making a difference in the lives of our furry friends for a longer and healthier future with them.







Highlighted Initiative

University of South Florida Veterinary Internship to Peru, May 2023

Leslie's Message

I am Leslie Morales, and I am currently on the path to becoming a veterinarian. From a very young age, I have always loved and adored animals. I am very dedicated to improving and changing the world of veterinary medicine concerning our fabulous furry friends.

This summer, I joined the University of South Florida Veterinary Outreach chapter of VAW Global Health Alliances. I will spend two weeks promoting public health by doing service projects in Peru!

Many communities there lack what we in the United States consider essential utilities. Our primary task is to hold mobile veterinary clinics to provide free veterinary care to communities in rural areas. Doing so will allow us to work with local veterinary professionals to provide free care, such as veterinary procedures, treatment courses, and clinic operations. This will be done through shadowing, measuring vital signs, giving vaccines, and deworming animals. We will also visit surrounding elementary schools and teach the children basic public health classes.

To make this trip a success, I need your help! We are working to raise funds to treat cats, dogs, and other small animals in Peru. Your donations will go toward providing free veterinary attention to these communities in rural Peru, such as hiring local health professionals, purchasing veterinary supplies, and transporting and lodging for interns while in-country.

I appreciate your support in this amazing, life-changing experience.

About the program:
VAW Global Health Alliances (VAW Global) is a global health and development organization committed to cultivating sustainable and equitable partnerships with local communities and professionals through support and capacity-building for essential and accessible health services. Our focus is to work hand-in-hand with local initiatives and leaders to provide communities with improved access to medical, dental, and veterinary treatment. We also work to provide medication, nutritional security, clean water, and health education to these communities. The work of VAW Global Health Alliances is accomplished by interns who donate their time and energy to VAW Global Outreach projects, sponsors who donate funds and supplies to support VAW Global Outreach projects and local health professionals and community members who collaborate with VAW Global to make the Outreach projects a reality in their communities.

Volunteer Activity Description

Join the University of South Florida chapter as they lead a Veterinary Outreach Internship to Peru this upcoming Summer! Interns will work in mobile clinics, where they will have the opportunity to take patient history, basic vital signs, shadow veterinarians, learn about the importance of different animals in locals lives and much more! If you’re interested in joining, contact us for more information!

VAW Global at the University of South Florida will be opening up mobile veterinary clinics for local communities as well as assisting at local animal care facilities during their time in Peru.

One of the most exciting and important parts of interning with VAW Global is bringing medication to the less fortunate. In 2019, VAW Global treated over 35,000 patients and we aspire to treat over 45,000 in 2022. One of the things that make our mobile clinics unique is that we not only triage and diagnose patients, but also provide them with the basic medications needed. Fundraising for medications is a huge part of creating a successful mobile clinic to help the local communities with effective care.

**Note: airfare is NOT included


Thank you for your support!

57% Complete (success)

of 7

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Leslie Morales donated $245.0000 to Leslie 701 days ago
Leslie Morales donated $500.0000 to Leslie 719 days ago
Leslie Morales donated $500.0000 to Leslie 736 days ago
Arturo Sánchez donated $100.0000 to Leslie 745 days ago
Leslie Morales donated $450.0000 to Leslie 750 days ago
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