LifeStraw and Referrals for Ekumfi Abor


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Jun 15, 2012 12:00 AM

In May 2012 University of Michigan students traveled to Ghana to provide medical and public health education services to Ekumfi Abor in the Central Region of Ghana. This campaign is to raise money to provide Ekumfi Abor water-filtration units (LifeStraws)- because everyone is entitled to drinking water.
All excess donations will be for referrals and follow up visits in Ekumfi Abor.

100% Complete (success)

of $600.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

All Initiatives
No volunteers for this initiative.
Anonymous donated $500 4437 days ago

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