Luo People of Odienya, Kenya

The Luo people are the third largest tribal group in Kenya. Together, the GCN team and the village people are building a much needed health center that will serve families in the vast rural area west of Odienya. From farmers who take a day off of from their work on their "shambas" or farms, to children who stop by after school, the community works side-by-side with GCN team members on the project. Along the way, they eat, laugh and talk together, sharing connections across the globe.
The health center will serve an area of 4 km with a population of about 10,000 people. The center will be located on the side of the road that goes through the village, and is adjacent to a vocational school for AIDS orphans. The site has already been donated by the local governing council, and the community has donated 1,000 red clay bricks to get the project started.
December 2014 Trip to Odienya, Kenya
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