Mary St. Julien

University of Virginia

Passionate About:

I am passionate about promoting, maintaining, and improving the health of others.







Highlighted Initiative

Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC) April 2015

Volunteer Activity Description

The Student National Medical Association celebrates the 51st Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC) April 1-5, 2015 in New Orleans, LA. Founded in 1964, at Howard and Meharry Medical Colleges, the SNMA is firmly committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of the underserved community, and to increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and social conscious physicians.

Entitled, Unsilencing the Unheard and the Underserved, AMEC 2015 will be a conference dedicated to exploring the health disparities of LBGT, Immigrant/Refugee health, as well as the crisis of the lack of minority men entering the field of medicine. AMEC 2015 will offer conference attendees-—our emerging and future doctors--the opportunity to discuss topics about which they otherwise have no access within the medical school setting, thus enabling them as physicians to render suitable and appropriate care to underserved populations. The SNMA mission states that we aim "... to increase the number of clinically excellent, socially conscious, and culturally competent physicians." To this end, AMEC 2015 will uplift this mission by educating future physicians about the healthcare needs of those marginalized groups in the population that nevertheless need and seek quality healthcare and empower our doctors to effectively provide care to all patient groups.

Make plans to meet the Student National Medical Association in New Orleans, LA at our Annual Medical Education Conference. For more information, contact the administrator here or email us at

100% Complete (success)

of $500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

10% Complete (success)

of 20

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Guest User donated $50 to Mary 3656 days ago
Guest User donated $40 to Mary 3666 days ago
Guest User donated $50 to Mary 3672 days ago
Guest User donated $50 to Mary 3674 days ago
Guest User donated $100 to Mary 3674 days ago
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