MaryKate Selby

Philadelphia, PA

Passionate About:

Sharing and exploring the art of dance through teaching, performing, and choreographing.







Highlighted Initiative

The Dance Centre: International Dance Exchange June 22-29, 2020

MaryKate's Message

Thank you for your interesting in donating to My Movement exchange. I, in addition to 10 of my students will be participating in a dance mission trip to Panama City Panama, in June 2020. This organization with the help of our service provides year long dance classes for Panama based orphanages. We will be teaching youth ages 4 to 18 years old in a variety of orphanages, youth foundations, and arts foundations with about 20-40 students at each organization. Many of the youth we work with are HIV positive, disabled, come from abusive homes and/or have little or no family. This is an to create a world in which dance education is accessible to all. Dance instills a sense of self worth, builds social and cognitive skills, and allows for creative expression.

We are improving lives through dance but we NEED YOUR HELP! Please considering donating to make this trip possible. If monetary donations aren’t something possible at this time please keep us in your prayers as we begin to prepare for this life changing and exciting journey! Thank you in advance!

Volunteer Activity Description

The Dance Centre will be attending an international dance exchange to Panama this June 22-29, 2020!

19% Complete (success)

of $1,390.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
The Grosch Family donated $25.0000 to MaryKate 1911 days ago
Mama Hop donated $50.0000 to MaryKate 2002 days ago
Lauren Eccleston donated $25.0000 to MaryKate 2092 days ago
Guest User donated $25.00 to MaryKate 2100 days ago
Lisa Diewald donated $30.0000 to MaryKate 2104 days ago
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