Max Rosenthal

Windsor, California

Passionate About:

I am passionate about music, traveling, learning Spanish, and experiencing different cultures. This is why I am so interested in going on this trip to Nicaragua. Last year, I went on the Ecuador trip with GSE and it changed my life. Being immersed in another culture as rich and vibrant as Ecuador's and collaborating on environmental projects with the local students there gave me a whole new perspective of how other people live. Meeting other high school students from another country with whom I shared a similar interest in helping the environment was an incredible and eye opening experience. I learned about sustainable agriculture, leadership, communication, and developed a new perspective of culture. This trip helped me to develop as an individual and understand a part of who I am. I would like to have another culturally immersive experience in Nicaragua so I can continue to expand my global perspective and help the environment.







Highlighted Initiative

Windsor Nicaragua Spring Break 2018

Max's Message

Global Student Embassy is a non-profit organization that aims to empower youth through leadership programs and environmental projects. GSE is an amazing organization and I am thrilled to be traveling with them to Nicaragua! It was an amazing experience gardening and working on local projects on the Ecuador trip last year and I can not wait to do the same in Nicaragua.

Volunteer Activity Description

Travel to Nicaragua with GSE

96% Complete (success)

of $2,314.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

31% Complete (success)

of 22

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Alan Rosenthal donated $729.0000 to Max 2574 days ago
David Rosenthal donated $100.0000 to Max 2575 days ago
Alan Rosenthal donated $685.0000 to Max 2585 days ago
Laura C Rosenthal donated $485.0000 to Max 2586 days ago
Angela Kennedy donated $20.0000 to Max 2615 days ago
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