Melissa Meyer

Passionate About:







End Date: Jun 11, 2011 10:00 PM
Volunteer Activity Message

Medical Brigade volunteers set up medical clinics in pre-identified communities to provide healthcare where access is limited. Each community receives a brigade every 3-4 months and between brigades the in-country team maintains relationships with the communities to provide follow-up and conducts community health worker trainings to empower local leaders to perpetuate a consistent level of healthcare.

Public Health Brigade volunteers work side-by-side with community members to improve heath in their homes through the construction of eco-stoves, latrines, water storage units, and concrete floors. These projects and public health education taught to the communities help to decrease life threatening diseases.

Volunteer Goals

Program Goal: $0.00 / Airfare Goal: $0.00

nancy tresser donated $72

Apr 25, 2011 06:45 AM

Ellen B Feldman donated $100

Saying "Melissa, Should be another amazing experience. Glad we can support you again for Honduras Medical Brigade! oxox Ellen"

Apr 06, 2011 03:06 PM

Denise Dellva donated $50

Saying "¡Buena suerte!

The Dellva Family"

Jan 04, 2011 02:18 PM

22% Complete (success)

of $1,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

83% Complete (success)

of 30

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal