Mindy Rising

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Highlighted Initiative

MLK Day of Service 2013 - Shepherd Canyon Park

Volunteer Activity Description

MLK Day of Service 2013 - Shepherd Canyon Park

“Transforming a Former Dumpsite, to:
Native Grassland, Wildflower Meadow, and Monarch Butterfly Habitat“

Monday,January 21 2013

5881 Escher Drive, Oakland

Task list;
Task 1- Planting Native Bunch Grasses and Wildflowers. We will be restoring a former dumpsite, to native grassland and wildflower meadow.
Task 2- Sowing Seeds of Change
Task 3. Transforming dump site to Monarch Butterfly habitat in Shepherd Canyon Park.

If you have bring yor own gloves and water bottle. Also if anyone has bring additional spades, trenching tools as well as tools to dig holes for the plants.

Meet at the Escher Gate. (Go past Shepherds Canyon Park. Make a hard right turn right at the Escher Drive, go 0.5 miles until Escher Gate.)


Thank you for your support!

46% Complete (success)

of 15

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Mindy Rising joined MLK Day of Service 2013 - Shepherd Canyon Park 4419 days ago
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