Mohib Khurram


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Highlighted Initiative

LSE Water Brigade - March 2011

Volunteer Activity Description

The current water situation in central Ghana is bad. Most of the communities where we will work currently get their water from small streams or large puddles where water sits uncovered, breeding mosquitoes and water-borne illnesses. Our goal is to develop solutions to this problem. Our closest partner, the Central Region Community Water and Sanitation Agency, is helping us to develop projects that will support these communities. Potential projects include: rainwater catchment systems (especially for schools), water filtration/treatment technologies, and education about water and health. Additionally, it is essential that all projects also incorporate aspects of hygiene and sanitation, and make sure that the community has sufficient clean water and the education to keep healthy.

100% Complete (success)

of £0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

90% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Mohib Khurram donated £50.00 to Mohib Khurram 5091 days ago
Mohib Khurram donated £50.00 to Mohib Khurram 5091 days ago
Mohib Khurram donated £350.00 to Mohib Khurram 5091 days ago
Mohib Khurram donated £350.00 to Mohib Khurram 5091 days ago
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