Movement Exchange at Barnard College: Panama 2020


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Dec 4, 2019 3:10 PM
End Date: Feb 24, 2020 12:00 AM

Movement Exchange at Barnard College will be attending an international dance exchange in Panama from May 23-30, 2020.

0% Complete (success)

of $13,900.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

80% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

All Initiatives

Madison Christmas

Passionate about: I am a first-year at Barnard College, interested in studying psychology. I was lucky to find dance at just three years old, as it was the most formidable part of my life growing up. My dance school ta... [Read More]

Olivia Roche

Passionate about: Dance is for everyone! I am going to Panama to continue to develop sustainable dance education in Panama City and surrounding areas through Movement Exchange's program. I am excited to teach dance and... [Read More]
Tia Smith donated $100 1832 days ago
Olivia Roche donated $500 1908 days ago

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