Neah Gray

Washington, D.C.

Passionate About:

Passionate about photography, film, inspiring others, intersectional diversity/feminism, and all types of art







Highlighted Initiative

American University Nicaragua Summer 2017

Neah's Message

Hi! My name is Neah Gray and I am a freshman at American University in Washington, D.C. I am currently in the School of Communications studying Film and Media Arts and I hope to double major in Public Relations and obtain a master's degree in Arts Management. I have a passion for traveling to new & diverse places, having fun and educational experiences, and documenting the process through photography and film.

This summer, I hope to travel with Global Student Embassy to Boaco, Nicaragua to meet with local environmentalists and help develop sustainable agricultural projects. I plan to document my entire trip in Nicaragua and create a film about agriculture, healthy eating, the culture of the various communities/cities we visit, my interactions/experiences with local people, the landscape/geography, and much much more! My goal is to work with my GSE peers to build these sustainable projects and then share my experiences through a documentary to bring more awareness about healthy living and agriculture in developing countries. With this documentary, I intend to give the voice to the people whose story is being told.

The total cost of this trip is $2,489. My mom and I will need help raising money for this trip, so we created this page to help fundraise and meet our Initiative goal. If you can, please take some time to donate to this page or share this link with your friends, families, and social medias. Any and all donations will be accepted and appreciated, as no donation is too small. If you find that you cannot donate, it is more than okay. By sharing this page link, you can help spread the word about my trip and connect someone who can donate or also share. (Note: No money goes towards the creation/process of my film. All money goes towards the total cost of the trip (flight, insurance, etc.). My film creation is 100% dependent on me and by donating, you will help me get to Nicaragua in order to fulfill this dream/future message to the world.)

Thank you :)

- Neah Gray

Volunteer Activity Description

Traveling with GSE means working alongside our Nicaraguan peers, hiking up a volcano through the mist of Lake Nicaragua.

Hands-on service-learning projects and cultural exchanges provide students with life changing learning opportunities. Students develop organic farming skills, practice Spanish, and participate in grassroots international relations while building crucial 21st century skills such as cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

Last year students helped to build an irrigation system for a 1.5-acre school farm, a 10 x 15 meter greenhouse, and two medium-sized school gardens. The overall focus is on expanding production, building new garden sites, and developing a capacity to harvest plots year round by installing water tanks and well systems which will increase the number of harvest cycles by 40%. 100% of the produce grown will go to feeding hundreds of local students. Crops grown include: mangos, bananas, yuca, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and many others.

Plants aren’t the only things that grow! International travel facilitates profound transformation for students. Students return home with an understanding of a new culture, with new friends, and an inspiration to make change in their local and global community.

68% Complete (success)

of $2,489.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

36% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Guest User donated $25.00 to Neah 2823 days ago
Guest User donated $175.00 to Neah 2831 days ago
Neah S Gray donated $50.0000 to Neah 2861 days ago
Chantal collins Gray donated $400.0000 to Neah 2861 days ago
TANYA DITZEN donated $100.0000 to Neah 2867 days ago
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