Nourish at UGA 2015 Venture


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Dec 31, 2015 10:30 PM

Help us in making a lasting impact on extreme poverty one donation at a time. You can run a bake sale, sell t-shirts, organize an event, whatever you want to raise money for the cause.

This year, Nourish at UGA is partnering with RASD to invest in a spring box installation to insulate an open water source in Nkokonjeru, Uganda. This project will provide clean water to the local community, thus promoting the basic tenants of health and sanitation in Nkokonjeru.

And we need your help in our to achieve this goal. Your every donation, be it small or large, helps us immensely and is greatly appreciated.

What Your Donation Can Do:
The money we raise this year will go to materials specific to the springbox and to our overall fundraising goal. The materials include: truck of clay, truck of hard core stones, truck of tip sand, truck of lake sand, truck of aggregate stones, plastic, cement, water-proof cement, 3 horse pipe, foundation excavation labor, pipes, corners/ elbows, wire mesh, rebar, interlocking bricks, paint, and supporting timber reinforcement.

For further details on the venture, please do not hesitate to contact us.

0% Complete (success)

of $2,200.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 10

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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