Nova Wilson

Passionate About:







Highlighted Initiative

Madison Park Academy & Sobrante Park Project

Volunteer Activity Description

MLK Day of Service - Madison Park Academy & Sobrante Park Project

Madison Park Academy presents its 6 Annual Day of Service in the Sobrante Park Community in East Oakland, California. In partnership with Higher Ground, Elev8, Service for Peace the City of Oakland, Alameda County PHD and other community partners, we will spend our day honoring Dr. King's legacy by being of support to the schools, churches and residents in the community. We will be working in the gardens, cleaning up the neighborhood, supporting seniors in their homes, painting murals, etc. Whatever your talent, it is needed and can be utilized; so if you are interested in helping support the growth and development of a very worthwhile community, please join us from 9:00am to 1:00pm.


Thank you for your support!

10% Complete (success)

of 20

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Nova Wilson joined Madison Park Academy & Sobrante Park Project 4062 days ago
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