Open Call Exchange to Panama (July 23-30th, 2016)


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Apr 12, 2016 12:00 AM
End Date: Jun 23, 2016 12:00 AM

Movement Exchange organizes 8 day and 7 night open call exchanges in Panama. Participants from across the U.S., or dance diplomats, teach youth, learn traditional dances, and perform through collaboration with Panamanian dancers.

58% Complete (success)

of $10,800.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

62% Complete (success)

of 8

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Jayna Osborne

Passionate about: Bringing people together through dance!

Jillian Kennedy

Passionate about: Movement Exchange, Dance, and Service

Shelley Jackson

Passionate about: I am passionate about traveling to places that I am unfamiliar with to not only give me a better understanding and appreciation of different parts of the world and their culture. But to also use dance... [Read More]
Shelley Jackson donated $695 3185 days ago
Shelley Jackson donated $120 3185 days ago
Sean ritz donated $1 3185 days ago
Jillian Hahn donated $615 3185 days ago
Jillian Kennedy donated $215 3186 days ago

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