Jillian Kennedy

Bloomington, IN

Passionate About:

Movement Exchange, Dance, and Service







Highlighted Initiative

Open Call Exchange to Panama (July 23-30th, 2016)

Jillian's Message

Hello Everyone!

I am once again headed back to my favorite place in the world... the place where I get to immerse myself in a different culture, but also the place where I am 100% the best version of myself... Panama! I am going on another dance exchange with the amazing organization Movement Exchange. I am especially excited, because after graduating from IU, I was unsure of whether or not I would ever get to venture back to Panama. Luckily, I am going back and can not wait to reconnect with all of the kids I have grown to love over the past two years.

Though I am no longer a student and don't want to be a burden asking for donations, this is more than just a "pay my way" fundraising page. My flight is already paid for and the rest of the $1,350 will cover my accommodations while in Panama and the programming fee. The fee makes up the largest portion and goes to sustainability. By giving to this page, you are not only helping me, but you are helping keep dance classes happening in Panama year round!!!

Thank you for all of your love and support!

Volunteer Activity Description

Movement Exchange organizes 8 day and 7 night open call exchanges in Panama. Participants from across the U.S., or dance diplomats, teach youth, learn traditional dances, and perform through collaboration with Panamanian dancers.

90% Complete (success)

of $1,350.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

62% Complete (success)

of 8

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Jillian Kennedy donated $215.0000 to Jillian 3186 days ago
Donita kennefy donated $500.0000 to Jillian 3187 days ago
Rosanne burge donated $55.0000 to Jillian 3188 days ago
Elissa Hudspeth donated $25.0000 to Jillian 3188 days ago
Victoria Henderson donated $20.0000 to Jillian 3189 days ago
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