Open Exchange to Brazil (July 14-23, 2017)


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Dec 1, 2016 1:12 AM
End Date: Jun 14, 2017 12:00 AM

Welcome to Rio de Janeiro! Movement Exchange is organizing its first-ever international dance exchange to Brazil this summer from July 14-July 23, 2017. This 10-day and 9-night open exchange will be full of dancing, learning, growing, discovering, and connection. Dancers from all over the U.S. will teach youth, learn traditional dances, and perform with Brazilian dancers and artists. Support our dance diplomats who will be traveling to Brazil this summer and MOVE TO CHANGE!

19% Complete (success)

of $25,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

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Brittany Latta

Passionate about: I dance because I truly enjoy the constant challenge, persistence, and desire to connect with others through movement. Dance is the one consistent thing that has always remained in my life, e... [Read More]

Carla O'Connor

Passionate about: Dance is the one constant that has stayed with me throughout my life. I started as a young girl, in pink tutus and ballerina slippers, and followed through to pursue a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Dance... [Read More]

Duyen Tran

Passionate about: During my undergraduate years at UCSD, I discovered my passion in the medical field and dance. While my career goal is to be a Physician Assistant, I also realized the power of music and dance in heal... [Read More]

Janine Montag

Passionate about: Many of you who visit this site will be friends and family & I am truly thankful that you clicked the link. As you may know I have been involved with Movement Exchange for about two and half years... [Read More]

Luciany German

Passionate about: Bringing dance to the youth
Aunt Laural donated $25 2850 days ago
Stephanie and Tommy donated $100 2851 days ago
Truc Tran donated $20 2852 days ago
Sarah Mills donated $10 2853 days ago
Aaron donated $50 2853 days ago