Ricardo Gonzalez

Gavleston, TX

Passionate About:







Highlighted Initiative

Panama Institute for Health Innovation-Spring 2014

Ricardo's Message

I'm really excited to have the opportunity to travel to Panama to help those who are less fortunate. However, as you may already know, travel costs are not very cheap. If you are able to make any contributions, I would greatly appreciate it! All funds from this website will go towards my air fare and program tuition.

Volunteer Activity Description

ThinkImpact's Institute is a life-changing experience for college students, graduate students and young professionals in rural Panama. Experience the culture, uncover resources, build local teams, and test ideas. Take your creativity to a new level at the ThinkImpact Institute and make every moment high impact.

Support a Scholar today!!

15% Complete (success)

of $1,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

12% Complete (success)

of 8

scholars needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Nanette Limas donated $50.0000 to Ricardo 4036 days ago
Sherry WIMBERLY donated $50.0000 to Ricardo 4042 days ago
Guest User donated $30.00 to Ricardo 4047 days ago
Dixy Iglesias donated $20.0000 to Ricardo 4049 days ago
Ricardo Gonzalez joined Panama Institute for Health Innovation-Spring 2014 4051 days ago
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