Rochelle Maderal

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador

Passionate About:

Traveling, improving the lives of others, experiencing and supporting the outdoors so my generation and many more to come will be able to enjoy everything it has to offer!







Highlighted Initiative

Montana State Ecuador Summer Break 2018

Rochelle's Message

I've been presented with a unique opportunity and would be overwhelmingly grateful to partner with you financially! As a freshman attending Montana State University, I've been lucky enough to hear about this program, GSE, dedicated to addressing urgent environmental challenges in communities all around the world. This particular opportunity would take me to Bahia de Caraques, Ecuador to work with the students of this community to cultivate the skills and passion to address these environmental challenges. We would work with students to maintain greenhouses and gardens, collaborate on murals, as well as assist with their own student-led projects. To be a part of this kind of positive change in the world means so much to me and I would be overjoyed to make this trip a reality. Thank you so much for any contributions, it is greatly appreciated!

Volunteer Activity Description

Montana State Ecuador Summer Break 2018

98% Complete (success)

of $2,489.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

27% Complete (success)

of 22

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Rochelle Maderal donated $1,018.0000 to Rochelle 2504 days ago
Elizabeth Guertin donated $50.0000 to Rochelle 2523 days ago
Claire M Reid donated $50.0000 to Rochelle 2525 days ago
Sharon Fessler donated $50.0000 to Rochelle 2528 days ago
Shannon Walsh donated $35.0000 to Rochelle 2531 days ago
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