Sabrina Lugo


Passionate About:

I am passionate about LIFE as a whole. I study Human Biology, and the human body excites me. I wish to leave a positive impact on the world socially and medically. I am passionate about traveling, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to travel and donate my time and energy to countries in need.







Highlighted Initiative

Hospital Internship Dominican Republic, Group 3

Volunteer Activity Description

Join the VAW Hospital Internship in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Work side by side with experienced surgeons, ER doctors, and residents in the Hospital Docente Universitario Dr. Dario Contreras. Please see our website ( for more information or send us and email at

PLEASE NOTE: You must fill out an application and be interviewed to be accepted into this program.


Thank you for your support!

37% Complete (success)

of 8

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Sabrina Lugo joined Hospital Internship Dominican Republic, Group 2 3205 days ago
Sabrina Lugo donated $185.0000 to Sabrina 3335 days ago
GABRIELLE LUGO donated $15.0000 to Sabrina 3354 days ago
Sabrina Lugo joined Hospital Internship Dominican Republic, Group 3 3354 days ago
Sabrina Lugo joined Albany Medical Outreach - Dominican Republic Summer 2015 3596 days ago
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